Supreet Virk

My name is Supreet Virk and I live in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia. This land has attracted human settlement for thousands of years and is the traditional and ancestral territory of the Coast Salish peoples. My work investigates the art historical representation of the female body and the control of the male gaze through painting, drawing and digital illustration. I completed high school in India before Langara college; studying Art (general) and then the Fine Art Diploma Program.


Supreet Virk

Acrylic, Medium, Cheese Cloth, Thread on Canvas

65 x 50 in


Supreet Virk

Acrylic and Watercolour on Canvas

24 x 18 in

Him and Her

Supreet Virk

Ink, Paint, Ribbons, Markers, Pen, Scrapbook Paper

7 x 7 in

She's Waiting

Supreet Virk

White Chalk, Charcoal, Pastel, Eraser

19.5 x 20.5 in

Mona Who?

Supreet Virk

Digital Collage